If you move house, please hand them over to the next occupier .
2 © Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2012
Natural Gas
Baxi Megaflo System 15 HE A
G.C.N o 41 075 55
Baxi Megaflo System 18 HE A
G.C.N o 41 075 56
Baxi Megaflo System 24 HE A
G.C.N o 41 075 57
Baxi Megaflo System 28 HE A
G.C.N o 41 075 58
Baxi Megaflo System 32 HE A
G.C.N o 41 075 59
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1.0 Quick Reference Guide 3
2.0 Troubleshooting 4
3.0 Repressurising System 6